With one quarter of the population between the ages of 10 and 24, the demand in Southeast Asia for education and economic opportunity is greater than ever. EDC’s efforts in Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Lower Mekong to create meaningful opportunities for youth by aligning public, private, education, and industry partners have been successful, reaching hundreds of thousands of young people.

EDC is also improving elementary and basic education for younger children though high-quality literacy programs, teacher professional development, and policy implementation. And we are fighting drug abuse and HIV/AIDS through programs that help people develop the knowledge and behaviors they need to chart a long, healthy future.


Here are a few of our resources on Asia. To see more, visit our Resources section.

These free online training courses are designed to help entrepreneurs learn what they need to know to establish and grow a business. Users learn at their own pace in their own time.


This program note summarizes key gender issues in livelihoods and workforce development programs and discusses EQUIP3's approach to addressing gender, using examples from specific EQUIP3 youth projects to illustrate lessons learned.

Fact sheets

Through WRN Workplace, work-based learning is integrated into EDC’s Work Ready Now program to make learning come alive outside of the classroom.


The Decentralized Basic Education Program-Objective 2 (DBE 2) is improving the quality of teaching and learning for almost 15,000 teachers and over 230,000 students in Indonesia. This Annual Report Summary illuminates impact data and highlights the stories of some of those touched by the program.

Fact sheets

There is a significant—and growing—body of evidence that well-designed and effectively delivered school meal programs are a cost-effective and scalable means to build human capital, improve learning outcomes, and improve health and nutrition.


The purpose of this note is to detail an offer of support to national governments that are willing to develop sustainable financing strategies for national school feeding programs.


This toolkit provides program designers with information on how to develop and implement effective early childhood interactive audio instruction (IAI) programs in a range of settings.

White papers

This paper presents a forward-looking projection of school participation profiles for school feeding programs up to the year 2030.

Minority Education for Growth and Advancement–Skills for Youth (MEGA-SkY) was supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and implemented by EDC in collaboration with International Youth Foundation (IYF).


In this action memo, we consider proposals for more effective donor investment in school health and nutrition.